New Hampshire
Image: Mt. Chocorua, New Hampshire, circa 1912, printed from a George Slade glass negative. Private collection.
New Hampshire Statewide and regional organizations
select new hampshire counties, cities and towns
Carroll County
Hillsborough County
Merrimack County
Rockingham County
New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources
New Hampshire's "State Historic Preservation Office" was established in 1974 as the Division of Historical Resources. The legislature of New Hampshire has determined that the historical, archeological, architectural, engineering, and cultural heritage of New Hampshire is among the most important environmental assets of the state and that the rapid social and economic development of contemporary society threatens the remaining vestiges of this heritage; therefore, it is hereby declared to be public policy and in the public interest of this state to engage in a comprehensive program of historic preservation to promote the use and conservation of such property for the education, inspiration, pleasure, and enrichment of the citizens of New Hampshire. (RSA 227-C)
New Hampshire Division Of Historical Resources
19 Pillsbury Street - 2nd floor
Concord, NH 03301-3570
[email protected]
FAX 603-271-3433
Voice/TDD RELAY ACCESS: 1-800-735-2964
New Hampshire Division Of Historical Resources
19 Pillsbury Street - 2nd floor
Concord, NH 03301-3570
[email protected]
FAX 603-271-3433
Voice/TDD RELAY ACCESS: 1-800-735-2964
New Hampshire Main Street Center
The New Hampshire Main Street Center was established in 1996 as a private, statewide entity dedicated to empowering each community within the state to maintain, strengthen, and revitalize the unique physical, economic, historic, and cultural characteristics of its own urban Downtown or village center. The New Hampshire Main Street Center selects communities on a competitive basis to join the program. These communities receive technical support and training needed to restore their Main Street to centers of community activity and commerce.
New Hampshire Main Street Center
14 Dixon Avenue, Suite 102
Concord, NH 03301
TEL: 603-223-9942
FAX: 603-226-2816
New Hampshire Main Street Center
14 Dixon Avenue, Suite 102
Concord, NH 03301
TEL: 603-223-9942
FAX: 603-226-2816
New Hampshire State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO)
The New Hampshire Division of Historic Resources includes the office of the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO).
State Historic Preservation Officer
New Hampshire Division of Historic Resources
19 Pillsbury Street - 2nd floor
Concord, NH 03301-3570
[email protected]
FAX 603-271-3433
State Historic Preservation Officer
New Hampshire Division of Historic Resources
19 Pillsbury Street - 2nd floor
Concord, NH 03301-3570
[email protected]
FAX 603-271-3433
New hampshire preservation alliance
The N.H. Preservation Alliance is a non-profit, membership-based organization that helps community leaders and property owners save and revitalize our irreplaceable historic landmarks and communities to contribute to the quality, the character, and the economic vitality of the state. Now in our 30th year, we continue to provide strategic coaching, technical assistance, planning grants, workshops and other services. These resources for property owners and civic leaders are described in this chart, and throughout the web-site.
New Hampshire Preservation Alliance
7 Eagle Square
Concord, NH 03301
Phone:(603) 224-2281
New Hampshire Preservation Alliance
7 Eagle Square
Concord, NH 03301
Phone:(603) 224-2281
Select New Hampshire counties, Cities And Towns
Carroll County
Conway Historical Society
Our Mission is to serve as a leader in the collection, documentation, exhibition, interpretation, and preservation of works of contemporary and historic art and culture, with an emphasis on the heritage of the White Mountain region, for the education, inspiration, and enjoyment of the broadest possible audience.
The Conway Historical Society is a non-profit organization established for the collecting and preservation of articles and facts of local interest and the dissemination of the knowledge thereof. The CHS was founded in 1935 to preserve the rich and varied history of the Conways, through generous interests and growing membership of nearly 400 members.
Conway Historical Society
100 Main Street
P O Box 1949
Conway, NH 03818
Phone: 603-447-5551
Our Mission is to serve as a leader in the collection, documentation, exhibition, interpretation, and preservation of works of contemporary and historic art and culture, with an emphasis on the heritage of the White Mountain region, for the education, inspiration, and enjoyment of the broadest possible audience.
The Conway Historical Society is a non-profit organization established for the collecting and preservation of articles and facts of local interest and the dissemination of the knowledge thereof. The CHS was founded in 1935 to preserve the rich and varied history of the Conways, through generous interests and growing membership of nearly 400 members.
Conway Historical Society
100 Main Street
P O Box 1949
Conway, NH 03818
Phone: 603-447-5551
Hillsborough County
City of Manchester heritage commission
'...The Heritage Commission was created in 1996 by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen in order to insure the proper recognition, use and protection of legacy resources within the City. This inheritance from the past generally consists of human made things which may range widely in kind and type and which may be both tangibly or intangibly expressed. These heritage resources are typically valued for their historic, cultural, aesthetic, or community significance and are appreciated for what they contribute to the built, intellectual or spiritual environment of the City.
City of Manchester
City Of Manchester Heritage Commission
One City Hall Plaza
Manchester, NH 03101
(603) 624-6455
City of Manchester
City Of Manchester Heritage Commission
One City Hall Plaza
Manchester, NH 03101
(603) 624-6455
Manchester historic association
The Manchester Historic Association is one of the city’s most dynamic institutions and a significant force in Manchester’s economic and cultural growth. The organization is active in the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, and it collaborates with other nonprofit organizations in many ways. It is supported by its members and other donors in the community, and also by corporate, government and foundation grants. The Manchester Historic Association also relies on the generosity of its volunteers and interns from local colleges and universities.
Research Center
129 Amherst Street
Manchester, NH 03101
(603) 622-7531
[email protected]
Millyard Museum
200 Bedford Street
Manchester, NH 03101
(603) 622-7531
[email protected]
Research Center
129 Amherst Street
Manchester, NH 03101
(603) 622-7531
[email protected]
Millyard Museum
200 Bedford Street
Manchester, NH 03101
(603) 622-7531
[email protected]
Merrimack County
Concord Heritage Commission
'The goal of the Heritage Commission is to preserve, enhance, and promote the significant historic, cultural, and architectural resources of Concord. The Heritage Commission also acts in an advisory role regarding the identification, protection, and preservation of local historical resources, and works as a liaison between the local government, individuals, and organizations concerned with historic preservation....
Concord Heritage Commission
Concord City Hall
41 Green Street
Concord, NH 03301
Fax: 603-230-3630
Concord Heritage Commission
Concord City Hall
41 Green Street
Concord, NH 03301
Fax: 603-230-3630
The Concord Historical Society
The Concord Historical Society was created to promote public awareness, understanding, and appreciation for Concord, New Hampshire’s history and traditions through educational programs; discovering, collecting and preserving material related to Concord’s history; serving as a clearing house for other organizations concerned with Concord’s history; and advocating for the preservation of historic material and properties in Concord.
Concord Historical Society
PO Box 1027
Concord, NH 03302-1027
Concord Historical Society
29 School St
(603) 228-8101
Concord Historical Society
PO Box 1027
Concord, NH 03302-1027
Concord Historical Society
29 School St
(603) 228-8101
Farmhouse near Jaffrey, New Hampshire. Glass negative by George Slade, circa 1895-1900. Private collection.
Rockingham County
City of Portsmouth Historic District Commission
Why is historic preservation important in Portsmouth? The City of Portsmouth recognizes that the character and quality of life enjoyed by its citizens depend in great measure upon the City’s rich architectural heritage and the importance of the natural and designed landscapes in our community. This historical, cultural, archaeological, social and economic heritage is entrusted to each generation, enriched and passed on to future generations.
Historic District Commission
Portsmouth City Hall, 3rd Floor,
1 Junkins Avenue
Portsmouth, NH 03801
(603) 610-7216
Fax: (603) 427-1593
Historic District Commission
Portsmouth City Hall, 3rd Floor,
1 Junkins Avenue
Portsmouth, NH 03801
(603) 610-7216
Fax: (603) 427-1593
The Portsmouth Historical Society
The Portsmouth Historical Society is a nonprofit organization that operates a museum and visitor center in downtown Portsmouth, publishes books, manages the Black Heritage Trail and advocates for historic preservation. We tell Portsmouth stories and our mission is to provide a central city location where, in cooperation with other groups, we can introduce, interpret, and stimulate the study of Portsmouth history.
The Society is the only institution focusing on the history of the entire community.
The Portsmouth Historical Society
PO Box 728
Portsmouth, NH 03802-0728
Telephone: (603) 436-8433
E-mail: [email protected]
The Society is the only institution focusing on the history of the entire community.
The Portsmouth Historical Society
PO Box 728
Portsmouth, NH 03802-0728
Telephone: (603) 436-8433
E-mail: [email protected]
Portsmouth Advocates
The preservation group, the Portsmouth Advocates, Inc., was formed to promote the maintenance of the historical and architectural integrity of the buildings of the city of Portsmouth within and outside of the historic districts, and to encourage the preservation and restoration of historically significant structures. We are dedicated to the preservation of our city’s unique historic character as an essential part of making Portsmouth a better place to live and work.
Portemouth Advocates
10 Middle St.
Portsmouth, NH
(603) 436-8433
Portemouth Advocates
10 Middle St.
Portsmouth, NH
(603) 436-8433