The Maryland Monument at Antietam Battlefield, recently restored, was commissioned in 1896, and dedicated on May 30th, 1900. It was intended to demonstrate reconciliation between citizens torn apart by the war. President McKinley was in attendence. Photo credit Sam Kauker. Historic American Building Survey
maryland Statewide and regional organizations
Anne Arundel County
Baltimore City
Baltimore County
Frederick County
Montgomery County
Washington County
Throughout 80 plus years of service, The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission has endeavored to improve the quality of life for all of the citizens of the bi-county area it serves and of the communities in which these citizens live, work and raise their families. This mission is embodied in three major program areas. These major program areas respond to the vision of our founders and are incorporated into our charter. The Mission of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission is to:
A large number of staff coordinate Montgomery and Prince George's County historic preservation planning departments.
- Manage physical growth and plan communities
- Protect and steward natural, cultural and historic resources
- Provide leisure and recreational experiences.
A large number of staff coordinate Montgomery and Prince George's County historic preservation planning departments.
The program strives to strengthen the economic potential of Maryland’s traditional main streets and neighborhoods. Using a competitive process, Main Street Maryland selects communities who have made a commitment to succeed and helps them improve the economy, appearance and image of their traditional downtown business districts. To accomplish Main Street goals, the department has partnered with the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s National Main Street Center, which developed the Main Street Four Point Approach for commercial revitalization, and since 2008, Main Street Maryland programs have also incorporate a Fifth Point: Clean, Safe, and Green.
Main Street Maryland
7800 Harkins Road
Lanham, MD 20706
(301) 429-7400
Main Street Maryland
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
State Main Street Coordinator
[email protected]
Main Street Maryland
7800 Harkins Road
Lanham, MD 20706
(301) 429-7400
Main Street Maryland
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
State Main Street Coordinator
[email protected]
Maryland Historical Trust
The Maryland Historical Trust is the state agency dedicated to preserving and interpreting the legacy of Maryland’s past. Through research, conservation and education, the Maryland Historical Trust assists the people of Maryland in understanding their historical and cultural heritage. Part of the Maryland Department of Planning, the Maryland Historical Trust serves as Maryland’s State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. In addition to its administrative office in Crownsville, the Maryland Historical Trust includes the Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum in St. Leonard, Maryland, which houses the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory.
Maryland Historical Trust
100 Community Place, 3rd Floor
Crownsville, MD 21032-2023
(410) 514-7600
Maryland Historical Trust
100 Community Place, 3rd Floor
Crownsville, MD 21032-2023
(410) 514-7600
Maryland State Historic Preservation Office
'The Maryland Historical Trust serves as Maryland’s State Historic Preservation Office pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.
Maryland State Historic Preservation Office
Maryland Historical Trust
100 Community Place, 3rd Floor
Crownsville, MD 21032-2023
(410) 514-7600
Maryland State Historic Preservation Office
Maryland Historical Trust
100 Community Place, 3rd Floor
Crownsville, MD 21032-2023
(410) 514-7600
The Maryland Historical Trust includes the office of the Maryland State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO).
Maryland State Historic Preservation Office
Maryland Historical Trust
100 Community Place, 3rd Floor
Crownsville, MD 21032-2023
(410) 514-7600
Maryland State Historic Preservation Office
Maryland Historical Trust
100 Community Place, 3rd Floor
Crownsville, MD 21032-2023
(410) 514-7600
Preservation Maryland
Founded in 1931 as the Society for the Preservation of Maryland Antiquities, Preservation Maryland is dedicated to preserving Maryland's historic buildings, neighborhoods, landscapes, and archaeological sites through outreach, funding, and advocacy.
Among America’s first statewide historic preservation organizations, Preservation Maryland is now among the largest. Our members and supporters are active in communities throughout the state and beyond. To become a member or to make a contribution to Preservation Maryland,
Preservation Maryland
3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 248,
Baltimore, Marland 21211
Phone 410-685-2886
FAX 410-539-2182
Among America’s first statewide historic preservation organizations, Preservation Maryland is now among the largest. Our members and supporters are active in communities throughout the state and beyond. To become a member or to make a contribution to Preservation Maryland,
Preservation Maryland
3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 248,
Baltimore, Marland 21211
Phone 410-685-2886
FAX 410-539-2182
Select Maryland Counties, Cities And Towns
Anne Arundel County
The Anne Arundel County Division of Cultural Resources.
‘The Cultural Resources Division, which operates in the County’s Planning and Zoning Department, is tasked with protecting the County’s myriad historic sites, buildings, archaeological sites, and landscapes. County legislation protects archaeological sites, historic buildings, cemeteries and scenic and historic roads whenever development is proposed...’
Preservation of our heritage safeguards the County’s historic and cultural resources, which in turn stabilizes and improves property values, fosters civic pride, protects and enhances the County’s resources for citizens and visitors, serve as a stimulus to economic development, and ultimately strengthens the economy of the County. Such sites - once destroyed - cannot be replaced.’
‘The Cultural Resources Division also fields citizen inquiries, offers educational outreach opportunities…and provides advice and guidance for local non-profit preservation groups working to preserve sites in the County.’
‘The CRD staff provides technical guidance and support for non-profits throughout the County, many of which are working to protect and preserve historic resources.’
The Anne Arundel County Division of Cultural Resources
Heritage Office Complex
2664 Riva Road
Annapolis, MD. 21401
General Information: (410) 222-7450
Fax: (410) 222-7255
Preservation of our heritage safeguards the County’s historic and cultural resources, which in turn stabilizes and improves property values, fosters civic pride, protects and enhances the County’s resources for citizens and visitors, serve as a stimulus to economic development, and ultimately strengthens the economy of the County. Such sites - once destroyed - cannot be replaced.’
‘The Cultural Resources Division also fields citizen inquiries, offers educational outreach opportunities…and provides advice and guidance for local non-profit preservation groups working to preserve sites in the County.’
‘The CRD staff provides technical guidance and support for non-profits throughout the County, many of which are working to protect and preserve historic resources.’
The Anne Arundel County Division of Cultural Resources
Heritage Office Complex
2664 Riva Road
Annapolis, MD. 21401
General Information: (410) 222-7450
Fax: (410) 222-7255
Anne Arundel County Trust for Preservation, Inc.
‘The Anne Arundel County Trust (ACT) for Preservation, Inc. was originally created in 1973 as The Anne Arundel County Committee of the Maryland Historical Trust. Its purpose is “to preserve and maintain historical, aesthetic and cultural properties, buildings, fixtures, furnishing, and appurtenances pertaining in any way to the Province of Maryland from our earliest times.”
‘Anne Arundel County Trust for Preservation, Inc. is composed of active and retired professionals in the fields of history, archaeology, architectural history, archival research, museum studies, and more. These individuals are dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage of Anne Arundel County.’
‘ACT is a non-profit organization that advises the Maryland Historical Trust and assists in fostering an awareness of historical and archaeological preservation, easements, National Register nominations, and public education throughout the County. ACT…awards matching grants for preservation activities in the county.’
Anne Arundel County Trust for Preservation, Inc.’
P.O. Box 1573
Annapolis, MD 21404
[email protected]
‘Anne Arundel County Trust for Preservation, Inc. is composed of active and retired professionals in the fields of history, archaeology, architectural history, archival research, museum studies, and more. These individuals are dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage of Anne Arundel County.’
‘ACT is a non-profit organization that advises the Maryland Historical Trust and assists in fostering an awareness of historical and archaeological preservation, easements, National Register nominations, and public education throughout the County. ACT…awards matching grants for preservation activities in the county.’
Anne Arundel County Trust for Preservation, Inc.’
P.O. Box 1573
Annapolis, MD 21404
[email protected]
City of Annapolis Historic Preservation Commission
‘The Historic Preservation Division has primary responsibility for all departmental activities within and pertaining to Annapolis' Historic District.
This includes:
processing applications for the Historic Preservation Commission and ensuring that projects are developed in accordance with the approval(s); working with applicants in the Historic District to help them understand the process and submit complete applications; interdepartmental coordination of project review in the Historic District; answering questions and dealing with enforcement related matters in the Historic District; acting as the liaison with the State of Maryland; preparing the Certified Local Government report; overseeing the building survey; coordinating archeology requirements for development; and is involved in development issues concerning preservation and landmarks in the city as a whole.’
Annapolis Preservation Commission
Department of Planning and Zoning
160 Duke of Gloucester Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
[email protected]
Fax documents: 410-216-9284
This includes:
processing applications for the Historic Preservation Commission and ensuring that projects are developed in accordance with the approval(s); working with applicants in the Historic District to help them understand the process and submit complete applications; interdepartmental coordination of project review in the Historic District; answering questions and dealing with enforcement related matters in the Historic District; acting as the liaison with the State of Maryland; preparing the Certified Local Government report; overseeing the building survey; coordinating archeology requirements for development; and is involved in development issues concerning preservation and landmarks in the city as a whole.’
Annapolis Preservation Commission
Department of Planning and Zoning
160 Duke of Gloucester Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
[email protected]
Fax documents: 410-216-9284
Historic Annapolis
‘Established in 1952, Historic Annapolis is the leading nonprofit preservation and history organization in Annapolis, Maryland.’
‘Historic Annapolis, Inc. (HA) was founded to ensure that the legacy of Annapolis’s past would continue to enrich the city’s future.…’
‘Historic Annapolis’s seminal project was restoring and opening the grand colonial home and garden of William Paca, a Signer of the Declaration of Independence....We are an active partner with several cultural and tourism organizations, including Four Rivers: The Heritage Area of Annapolis, London Town, and South County. Together we promote our region’s historical, cultural, and natural assets. The tours, museum exhibits, educational programs, and social gatherings we host bring history to life for residents and visitors alike…’
Historic Annapolis
42 East Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
‘Historic Annapolis, Inc. (HA) was founded to ensure that the legacy of Annapolis’s past would continue to enrich the city’s future.…’
‘Historic Annapolis’s seminal project was restoring and opening the grand colonial home and garden of William Paca, a Signer of the Declaration of Independence....We are an active partner with several cultural and tourism organizations, including Four Rivers: The Heritage Area of Annapolis, London Town, and South County. Together we promote our region’s historical, cultural, and natural assets. The tours, museum exhibits, educational programs, and social gatherings we host bring history to life for residents and visitors alike…’
Historic Annapolis
42 East Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
baltimore County
Baltimore County Department of Planning
Historic Preservation Overview
Baltimore County Department of Planning
Historic Preservation Overview
Historic districts, buildings and their settings provide continuity with the past, establish a tangible sense of place, enhance the visual quality of life in Baltimore County, and present opportunities for economic revitalization. Preservation of historic resources has long been advocated by County plans and policies.
Baltimore County’s landscapes and communities have a large number of surviving historic resources. As noted in the Master Plan 2010, parts of the County’s historic heritage, "remain at risk because of continuing qualitative erosion caused by neglect, abandonment, or the intrusion of incompatible designs and uses."
Historic preservation can provide renaissance opportunities and strengthen the local tax base, as well as foster community identity and stability. Through continuing efforts with the general public and key stakeholders, the Department strives to improve preservation information and processes to leave a visible legacy for learning and enjoyment by future generations.
A key stakeholder is the Landmark Preservation Commission, LPC, which consists of 15 volunteer members. The LPC approve Baltimore County properties for inclusion on the Preliminary Landmarks List, consider petitions for County Historic Districts, and review proposals for exterior alterations to designated historic structures.
Historic Properties and Districts
Baltimore County historic properties and districts are identified and listed to help preserve the County’s historic resources.
County Historic Tax Credit
A County Historic Tax Credit is given for the rehabilitation of eligible properties that have significant historic and architectural value.
Baltimore County Department of Planning
The Jefferson Building, Suite 101
105 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Phone: 410-887-3211
Fax: 410-887-5862
Email: [email protected]
Historic Preservation Overview
Historic districts, buildings and their settings provide continuity with the past, establish a tangible sense of place, enhance the visual quality of life in Baltimore County, and present opportunities for economic revitalization. Preservation of historic resources has long been advocated by County plans and policies.
Baltimore County’s landscapes and communities have a large number of surviving historic resources. As noted in the Master Plan 2010, parts of the County’s historic heritage, "remain at risk because of continuing qualitative erosion caused by neglect, abandonment, or the intrusion of incompatible designs and uses."
Historic preservation can provide renaissance opportunities and strengthen the local tax base, as well as foster community identity and stability. Through continuing efforts with the general public and key stakeholders, the Department strives to improve preservation information and processes to leave a visible legacy for learning and enjoyment by future generations.
A key stakeholder is the Landmark Preservation Commission, LPC, which consists of 15 volunteer members. The LPC approve Baltimore County properties for inclusion on the Preliminary Landmarks List, consider petitions for County Historic Districts, and review proposals for exterior alterations to designated historic structures.
Historic Properties and Districts
Baltimore County historic properties and districts are identified and listed to help preserve the County’s historic resources.
County Historic Tax Credit
A County Historic Tax Credit is given for the rehabilitation of eligible properties that have significant historic and architectural value.
Baltimore County Department of Planning
The Jefferson Building, Suite 101
105 West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Phone: 410-887-3211
Fax: 410-887-5862
Email: [email protected]
Preservation Alliance of Baltimore County
We work with individuals, communities, and government to research and document the historic significance of buildings, sites and neighborhoods.
[email protected]
Executive Director
Preservation Alliance of Baltimore County
P.O. Box 10067
Towson, Maryland 21285
- We advise local governmental agencies on individual preservation projects and the county’s master plan.
- We plan intervention and rescue strategies when historic buildings are threatened.
- We provide annual grants for research, preservation, planning and restoration projects.
- We conduct public workshops on preservation and restoration.
- We assist property owners and community groups in preparing and submitting nominations to the National Register of Historic Places and the Baltimore County Landmarks List.
- We provide technical assistance to property owners for restoration and renovation of historic properties.
- We promote historic preservation tax credits for repairs to historic structures and to buildings that contribute to historic districts.
- We serve as a clearinghouse for information on historic preservation.
- We communicate with other preservation organizations and community groups to keep up to keep date on preservation practices, policies and concerns.
[email protected]
Executive Director
Preservation Alliance of Baltimore County
P.O. Box 10067
Towson, Maryland 21285
The Historical Society of Baltimore County
The Historical Society of Baltimore County collects, preserves and interprets the rich history of Baltimore County for the education and enjoyment of present and future generations.
The society, incorporated in 1959, is more than fifty years old; whereas the earliest record of Baltimore County dates to 1659 – making the county itself more than 350 years old.
We continually accomplish our mission through the production of presentations, lectures, workshops, entertaining educational publications, historical tours, and exhibits. We offer weekly hours at our research center. We seek-out and add research and cultural materials related to Baltimore County’s history and heritage to our collections. We partner with other like-minded organizations, and we advocate for a more historically minded, educated and aware society.
The Historical Society of Baltimore County
Historic Almshouse
9811 Van Buren Lane
Cockeysville, MD 21030
Phone: (410) 666-1878
Email: [email protected]
The society, incorporated in 1959, is more than fifty years old; whereas the earliest record of Baltimore County dates to 1659 – making the county itself more than 350 years old.
We continually accomplish our mission through the production of presentations, lectures, workshops, entertaining educational publications, historical tours, and exhibits. We offer weekly hours at our research center. We seek-out and add research and cultural materials related to Baltimore County’s history and heritage to our collections. We partner with other like-minded organizations, and we advocate for a more historically minded, educated and aware society.
The Historical Society of Baltimore County
Historic Almshouse
9811 Van Buren Lane
Cockeysville, MD 21030
Phone: (410) 666-1878
Email: [email protected]
Baltimore City
Baltimore City Commission For Historical & Architectural Preservation (CHAP)
CHAP's Responsibilities:
The CHAP Mission is to enhance and promote the culture and economy of Baltimore through the preservation of buildings, structures, sites and neighborhoods, that have aesthetic, historic and architectural value.
CHAP goals include preserving historic architecture and monuments; reclaiming broken neighborhoods; preventing demolition by neglect; and integrating our City's past into its future.
Baltimore City Commission For Historical & Architectural Preservation
417 East Fayette St., 8th floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 396-4866
(410) 396-PLAN (7526)
Fax: (410) 396-5662
- Designate Baltimore City’s historic districts and landmarks.
- Review plans for landmarks and buildings in historic districts.
- Provide technical assistance and historical information to the public.
- Administer the Baltimore City Historic Restoration & Rehabilitation Tax Credit.
- Conserve and maintain City-owned outdoor sculpture and monuments.
- Conduct historic resource surveys.
- Comply with Federal law to provide preservation recommendations for federal and state funded projects.
- Integrate historic preservation recommendations into City and neighborhood plans.
- Administer permit review authority for over 12,000 properties in 33 local historic districts, as well as 182 local landmarks.
The CHAP Mission is to enhance and promote the culture and economy of Baltimore through the preservation of buildings, structures, sites and neighborhoods, that have aesthetic, historic and architectural value.
CHAP goals include preserving historic architecture and monuments; reclaiming broken neighborhoods; preventing demolition by neglect; and integrating our City's past into its future.
Baltimore City Commission For Historical & Architectural Preservation
417 East Fayette St., 8th floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 396-4866
(410) 396-PLAN (7526)
Fax: (410) 396-5662
Baltimore Heritage - The Preservation Society
Founded in 1960, Baltimore Heritage, Inc. is Baltimore’s nonprofit historic and architectural preservation organization. With two staff members, 33 volunteer board members, and a host of volunteers, we work to preserve and promote Baltimore’s historic buildings and neighborhoods.’
‘We work with residents, property owners and neighborhood advocates to promote historic preservation across the city. We identify at-risk buildings and work proactively with property owners and community residents to preserve a threatened landmark. Learn more about historic preservation advocacy issues in Baltimore.’
Baltimore Heritage, Inc.
11 1/2 West Chase Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
‘We work with residents, property owners and neighborhood advocates to promote historic preservation across the city. We identify at-risk buildings and work proactively with property owners and community residents to preserve a threatened landmark. Learn more about historic preservation advocacy issues in Baltimore.’
Baltimore Heritage, Inc.
11 1/2 West Chase Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Baltimore Main Street Program, Baltimore development corporation
The Baltimore Main Streets program is an approach to neighborhood revitalization by providing customized support and public resources to each district in order to attract new businesses and new jobs to the neighborhood. Baltimore has the second largest urban Main Streets program in the U.S., with nine fully designated communities. Each district’s Main Street program has a different strategy for spurring economic activity, but support may include marketing and event planning, financial assistance for design and promotions, architectural services for facade renovations, streetscape improvements, technical support, access to grants, and more.
Baltimore Development Corporation
Main Street Program
36 S. Charles St. Suite 2100
Baltimore, MD 21201
[email protected]
Baltimore Development Corporation
Main Street Program
36 S. Charles St. Suite 2100
Baltimore, MD 21201
[email protected]
Society for the Preservation of Federal Hill and Fell's Point
“The Preservation Society works to preserve and renew Fell’s Point and Federal Hill as areas of historical and architectural significance for the benefit of local residents and business and for the education and enjoyment of visitors & the public at large.”
The Society for the Preservation of Federal Hill and Fell's Point
812 South Ann Street
Historic Fell's Point, Baltimore, MD 21231
The Society for the Preservation of Federal Hill and Fell's Point
812 South Ann Street
Historic Fell's Point, Baltimore, MD 21231
Frederick County
Frederick County Historic Preservation Commission
The Historic Preservation Commission was created in 1998… The Commission's duties include the following:
Review all petitions for designation to the Frederick County Register of Historic Places and submit recommendations on the petitions to the County Council
Act upon all applications for Certificates of Appropriateness
Review and recommend for action by the County Council the acquisition of historic preservation easements on designated landmarks, structures or sites
WHICH NUMBER ?????????
Joyce Grossnickle
Administrative Officer
Historic Preservation
30 N. Market St.
Frederick, MD 21701
Ph: 301-600-1142
Fx: 301-600-2054
Review all petitions for designation to the Frederick County Register of Historic Places and submit recommendations on the petitions to the County Council
Act upon all applications for Certificates of Appropriateness
Review and recommend for action by the County Council the acquisition of historic preservation easements on designated landmarks, structures or sites
WHICH NUMBER ?????????
Joyce Grossnickle
Administrative Officer
Historic Preservation
30 N. Market St.
Frederick, MD 21701
Ph: 301-600-1142
Fx: 301-600-2054
The City of Frederick Historic Preservation Commission
It is the mission of the historic preservation program to safeguard the historical and cultural heritage of the City of Frederick, to stabilize and improve property values, to foster civic beauty, to strengthen the local economy and to promote the appreciation of historic sites and districts for the education and welfare of the residents of the City.
When sites or structures are designated by the City of Frederick, an Historic Preservation Overlay (HPO) zoning district is applied to the property. This enables the City to regulate the treatment of the exterior of the designated resource including demolition. The Historic Preservation Commission must approve all exterior work in any HPO excluding minor rehabilitation.
The Historic Preservation Commission has authorized staff to review and approve some rehabilitation work, signs, changes to settings and outdoor features provided the proposed works complies with the guidelines. The Planning Department provides technical assistance and educational and outreach programs related to historic preservation in the City.
Historic Preservation Planner
Ph: (301)600-6278
Ph: (301) 600-1831
Municipal Office Annex
140 West Patrick Street
Frederick, MD 21701
When sites or structures are designated by the City of Frederick, an Historic Preservation Overlay (HPO) zoning district is applied to the property. This enables the City to regulate the treatment of the exterior of the designated resource including demolition. The Historic Preservation Commission must approve all exterior work in any HPO excluding minor rehabilitation.
The Historic Preservation Commission has authorized staff to review and approve some rehabilitation work, signs, changes to settings and outdoor features provided the proposed works complies with the guidelines. The Planning Department provides technical assistance and educational and outreach programs related to historic preservation in the City.
Historic Preservation Planner
Ph: (301)600-6278
Ph: (301) 600-1831
Municipal Office Annex
140 West Patrick Street
Frederick, MD 21701
Downtown Frederick Partnership
Downtown Frederick Partnership works to enhance, promote and preserve the vitality and economic viability of Downtown Frederick by implementing the national Main Street Program for the benefit of Frederick businesses, residents and visitors.
Founded in 1990 as a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization, Downtown Frederick Partnership has managed Downtown Frederick’s Main Street program since designation in 2001. Main Street designation is awarded by Main Street Maryland (State of Maryland) and is recognized by The City of Frederick and the National Trust Main Street Center.
The Main Street Program is a preservation-based, downtown revitalization approach. The goal of the Main Street Program is to strengthen the vitality of traditional main streets and neighborhoods.
Working with business and community leaders, the Partnership fully embraces the Main Street Program and oversees the work of four active committees including: the Business Development Committee which works to support our existing businesses and recruit new businesses where necessary, the Design Committee which focuses on the downtown streetscape, policy advocacy and long-term planning, the Organization Committee which raises funds as well as recruits and thanks volunteers and the Promotion Committee which promotes and brands Downtown Frederick
Downtown Frederick Partnership
19 E Church Street
Frederick, MD 21701
301.698.8118 office
301.698.4881 fax
See more at:
Founded in 1990 as a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization, Downtown Frederick Partnership has managed Downtown Frederick’s Main Street program since designation in 2001. Main Street designation is awarded by Main Street Maryland (State of Maryland) and is recognized by The City of Frederick and the National Trust Main Street Center.
The Main Street Program is a preservation-based, downtown revitalization approach. The goal of the Main Street Program is to strengthen the vitality of traditional main streets and neighborhoods.
Working with business and community leaders, the Partnership fully embraces the Main Street Program and oversees the work of four active committees including: the Business Development Committee which works to support our existing businesses and recruit new businesses where necessary, the Design Committee which focuses on the downtown streetscape, policy advocacy and long-term planning, the Organization Committee which raises funds as well as recruits and thanks volunteers and the Promotion Committee which promotes and brands Downtown Frederick
Downtown Frederick Partnership
19 E Church Street
Frederick, MD 21701
301.698.8118 office
301.698.4881 fax
See more at:
Frederick Nonprofit Alliance
The Frederick Nonprofit Alliance (FNA) works to promote and support Frederick County’s nonprofit organizations within the community.
The Frederick County Chamber of Commerce and the Frederick Nonprofit Alliance are working diligently to support local nonprofits…
Contact the Alliance through:
Frederick County Chamber of Commerce
8420-B Gas House Pike
Frederick, MD 21701
P: 301.662.4164
F: 301.846.4427
[email protected]
The Frederick County Chamber of Commerce and the Frederick Nonprofit Alliance are working diligently to support local nonprofits…
Contact the Alliance through:
Frederick County Chamber of Commerce
8420-B Gas House Pike
Frederick, MD 21701
P: 301.662.4164
F: 301.846.4427
[email protected]
Montgomery county
Montgomery County Historic Preservation Commission (HPC)
The Historic Preservation Office supports the Planning Board and the Historic Preservation Commission by providing for the identification, designation, and regulation of historic sites in Montgomery County. Historic Preservation staff also maintains an archive and library of documentation on historic resources in Montgomery County and provide preservation outreach and guidance on preservation best-practices to the public…
Historic Preservation
8787 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 301-563-3400
Fax: 301-563-3412
[email protected]
Historic Preservation
8787 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 301-563-3400
Fax: 301-563-3412
[email protected]
Montgomery County historical Society
Recognizing the vital role of history as the cultural and social fabric of a community, the Montgomery County Historical Society seeks to reflect the growth, diversity and vibrancy of Montgomery County. Montgomery County has experienced significant growth over the past several decades, andMontgomery History has grown as well, from an all-volunteer organization with a small membership to a professionally-staffed non-profit with over 1,000 members and over 100 volunteers.
Administrative Offices
111 W. Montgomery Avenue
Phone: (301) 340-2825
Fax: (301) 340-2871
Email: [email protected]
Administrative Offices
111 W. Montgomery Avenue
Phone: (301) 340-2825
Fax: (301) 340-2871
Email: [email protected]
City of Gaithersburg Historic District Commission
The City of Gaithersburg is home to two locally-designated historic districts, the Brookes, Russell and Walker Historic District and the Chestnut/Meem Historic District. Collectively, the City’s two historic districts included approximately 90 historic resources (both contributing and non-contributing). In addition to the two locally-designated historic districts, there are 20 individually-designated sites/resources located within the City.
Exterior alterations/changes to locally-designated properties, those either individually-designated or located within one of the locally-designated historic districts, require the approval by the City of Gaithersburg Historic District Commission
Planning Services
[email protected]
Peerless Rockville
Peerless Rockville Historic Preservation, Ltd., is an award-winning nonprofit, community-based organization founded in 1974 to preserve buildings, objects, and information important to Rockville’s heritage. Peerless Rockville advances its goals through education, example, advocacy, and community involvement.
The Historic Red Brick Courthouse
29 Courthouse Square
Room 110
Rockville, MD 20850
Mailing Address
Peerless Rockville
PO Box 4262
Rockville, MD 20849-4262
Phone: 301-762-0096
The Historic Red Brick Courthouse
29 Courthouse Square
Room 110
Rockville, MD 20850
Mailing Address
Peerless Rockville
PO Box 4262
Rockville, MD 20849-4262
Phone: 301-762-0096
Washington County
Washington County Historic Preservation Commission
The Historic District Commission is responsible for review, approval and disapproval of any activity, which requires an issuance of a building permit that is located within a Historic Preservation District or the Antietam Overlay zone. The Historic District has a similar authority for new construction in the Rural Village zoning district where historic inventories have been completed. It also reviews and makes recommendations on legislation, applications for zoning text or map amendments, special exceptions, variance, site plan or subdivision application and other proposals affecting historic preservation.
Washington County Historic Preservation Commission
Washington County Administration Building
100 West Washington Street, Room 255
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Washington County Historic Preservation Commission
Washington County Administration Building
100 West Washington Street, Room 255
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Washington County Historical Trust
The Washington County Historical Trust is a membership-driven organization. Our general membership meetings are open to the public. Please visit our events page for specific information about guest speakers or events. By becoming a member of the Washington County Historical Trust, you will add your concern, your voice, and your support to the growing number of citizens working to preserve Washington County for future generations.
See more at:
Washington County Historical Trust
P.O. Box 2021, Hagerstown, Maryland 21742
[email protected]
See more at:
Washington County Historical Trust
P.O. Box 2021, Hagerstown, Maryland 21742
[email protected]
Washington County Historical Society
The Miller House was built in two sections on the site of an earlier structure consisting of a home and pottery business. Peter Bell, Jr., a local potter, most famous for being the father of John Bell, the renown Waynesboro area potter, lost the property through public sale. Two of his other sons, Samuel and Solomon, were also prominent potters from Strausberg, Virginia.
The Beaver Creek School, 9702 Beaver Creek Church Road, Hagerstown, Maryland is an historic two-room schoolhouse dating to 1904. The school was in operation until 1961 at which time ownership of the schoolhouse was passed on to the Washington County Historical Society with plans of turning it into a museum.
Washington County Historical Society
135 West Washington Street
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Telephone: 301-797-8782
Email: [email protected]
The Beaver Creek School, 9702 Beaver Creek Church Road, Hagerstown, Maryland is an historic two-room schoolhouse dating to 1904. The school was in operation until 1961 at which time ownership of the schoolhouse was passed on to the Washington County Historical Society with plans of turning it into a museum.
Washington County Historical Society
135 West Washington Street
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Telephone: 301-797-8782
Email: [email protected]
The Hagerstown Historic District Commission
The Hagerstown Historic District Commission is responsible for guiding the City's historic preservation program and for reviewing building and zoning permit activity in the historic districts and on landmark properties. The Commission members are appointed by the Mayor & City Council for three year terms. All members must demonstrate special interest in historic preservation and/or specific knowledge or professional/academic training in fields such as history, architecture, architectural history, planning, archaeology, curation, conservation, landscape architecture, historic preservation, urban design or related disciplines.
The Hagerstown Historic District Commission
1 East Franklin Street
City Hall, Room 200
Hagerstown, MD 21740
[email protected]
City Clerk’s Office at 301.739.8577, Ext. 113.
Office of the City Clerk
One E. Franklin St.
City Hall, Rm 200
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Fax: (301) 790-3424
The Hagerstown Historic District Commission
1 East Franklin Street
City Hall, Room 200
Hagerstown, MD 21740
[email protected]
City Clerk’s Office at 301.739.8577, Ext. 113.
Office of the City Clerk
One E. Franklin St.
City Hall, Rm 200
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Fax: (301) 790-3424
Sharpsburg Historical Society
The Sharpsburg Historical Society is devoted to researching, preserving and celebrating the history of Sharpsburg, Maryland. We hope to reach anyone who has an interest in this old town, including the other descendents of those farmers and craftsmen who have migrated far from here. This site is a place to share some of what we have found.
Sharpsburg Historical Society
P.O. Box 513
Sharpsburg, MD 21782
Sharpsburg Historical Society
P.O. Box 513
Sharpsburg, MD 21782